Our group members are highlighted in bold.
Books/Book Chapters
[B02] Seongmin Heo and Jay H. Lee. Chapter 20: Superstructure optimization of microalgal biorefinery producing biodiesel, in Nuttha Thongchul, Antonis Kokossis, and Suttichai Assabumrungrat (eds.), A-Z of biorefinery: A comprehensive view, Elsevier. (Link) (Book)
[B01] Seongmin Heo and Jay H. Lee. Chapter 4: Algal based feedstocks, in Nuttha Thongchul, Antonis Kokossis, and Suttichai Assabumrungrat (eds.), A-Z of biorefinery: A comprehensive view, Elsevier. (Link) (Book)
Refereed Journal Articles
In Process
[M02] Sensitivity-based graph-theoretic method for robust distributed control system design considering uncertainty
Ji Hee Kim, Seongmin Heo*
[M01] Physics-informed lithium-ion battery end-of-life prediction model without cycling data
Jaewook Lee, Seyeong Park, Sangjun Jeon, Seongmin Heo*
[J34] Noninvasive inline imaging and computer vision-based quality variable estimation for continuous slug-flow crystallizers
Derrick Adams, Jay H. Lee, Shin Hyuk Kim*, Seongmin Heo*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 197, 109067, 2025. (Link)
[J33] Techno-economic analysis of amine-based post-combustion carbon capture process with flexibility considerations
Hae Yong Jung, Hyungmuk Lim, Seongmin Heo*
Fuel 390, 134634, 2025. (Link)
[J32] Multi-period deployment of electrochemical CO2 reduction technology considering time varying uncertainties
Woopill Chun, Suhyeon Lee, Kosan Roh*, Seongmin Heo*
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, in press. (Link)
[J31] Synergy evaluation for joint expansion planning of green hydrogen and renewable electricity supply chains: A South Korea case
Yechan Choi, Mingyu Kim, Shin Hyuk Kim, Seongmin Heo*
Applied Energy 381, 125123, 2025. (Link)
[J30]Â Extracting key temporal and cyclic features from VIT data to predict lithium-ion battery knee points using attention mechanisms
Jaewook Lee, Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 193, 108931, 2025. (Link)
[J29] Multi-period, multi-timescale stochastic optimization model for simultaneous capacity investment and energy management decisions for hybrid Micro-Grids with green hydrogen production under uncertainty
Sunwoo Kim, Yechan Choi, Joungho Park, Derrick Adams, Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 190, 114049, 2024. (Link)
[J28] Techno-economic analysis of solar powered green hydrogen system based on multi-objective optimization of economics and productivity
Joungho Park, Sungho Kang, Sunwoo Kim, Hyun-Seok Cho, Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Energy Conversion and Management 299, 117823, 2024. (Link)
[J27] Applying real options with reinforcement learning to assess commercial CCU deployment
Jeehwan S. Lee, Woopill Chun, Kosan Roh, Seongmin Heo*, Jay H. Lee*
Journal of CO2 Utilization 77, 102613, 2023. (Link)
[J26] A hybrid modeling framework for efficient development of Fischer-Tropsch kinetic models
Ji Hee Kim, Geun Bae Rhim, Naeun Choi, Min Hye Youn, Dong Hyun Chun*, Seongmin Heo*
Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 118, 318-329, 2023. (Link)
[J25] An iterative constrained least squares method for continuous piecewise linear approximation
Ji Hee Kim, Naeun Choi, Seongmin Heo*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 168, 108056, 2022. (Link)
[J24] Sustainability analysis framework based on global market dynamics: A carbon capture and utilization industry case
Kyung Hwan Ryu, Boeun Kim, Seongmin Heo*
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 166, 112639, 2022. (Link)
[J23] Risk-based uncertainty assessment to identify key sustainability hurdles for emerging CO2 utilization technologies
Jeehwan S. Lee, Juyeong Jung, Kosan Roh, Seongmin Heo, Ung Lee, Jay H. Lee*
Green Chemistry 24, 4588-4605, 2022. (Link)
[J22] Electrode design and performance of flow-type electrochemical lithium recovery (ELR) systems
Seon Yeop Jung, Hwajoo Joo, Ji Hee Kim, Seoni Kim, Seongmin Heo*, Jeyong Yoon*
Desalination 532, 115732, 2022. (Link)
[J21] Feature variance regularization method for autoencoder-based one-class classification
Boeun Kim, Kyung Hwan Ryu, Ji Hee Kim, Seongmin Heo*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 161, 107776, 2022. (Link)
[J20] Mean squared error criterion for model-based design of experiments with subset selection
Boeun Kim, Kyung Hwan Ryu, Seongmin Heo*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 159, 107667, 2022. (Link)
[J19] Model predictive control for amine-based CO2 capture process with advanced flash stripper
Howoun Jung, Seongmin Heo*, Jay H. Lee*
Control Engineering Practice 114, 104885, 2021. (Link)
[J18] Kinetic modeling of diesel autothermal reforming for fuel cell auxiliary power units
Daewook Kim, Suhang Choi, Sohyun Jeong, Minseok Bae, Sai P. Katikaneni, Joongmyeon Bae, Seongmin Heo*, Jay H. Lee*
Chemical Engineering Journal 424, 130564, 2021. (Link)
[J17] Dynamic analysis and linear model predictive control for operational flexibility of post-combustion CO2 capture processes
Howoun Jung, Dasom Im, Seongmin Heo, Boeun Kim, Jay H. Lee*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 140, 106968, 2020. (Link)
[J16] Three-stage design of high-resolution microalgae-based biofuel supply chain using geographic information system
Seongwhan Kang, Seongmin Heo, Matthew J. Realff, Jay H. Lee*
Applied Energy 265, 114773, 2020. (Link)
[J15] Mathematical modeling of microalgal internal metabolic behaviors under heterotrophic condition and its application
Kyung Hwan Ryu, Boeun Kim, Seongmin Heo, Yong Keun Chang, Jay H. Lee*
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59, 1631-1645, 2020. (Link)
[J14] Comparative techno-economic analysis of transesterification technologies for microalgal biodiesel production
Hyun Young Heo, Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58, 18772-18779, 2019. (Link)
[J13] Evaluation of the ship motion effects on the NaOH/air absorption system performance
Yongho Son, Sangyoon Lee, Seongmin Heo*
Chemical Engineering Science 207, 1049-1059, 2019. (Link)
[J12] Statistical process monitoring of the Tennessee Eastman process using parallel autoassociative neural networks and a large dataset
Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Processes 7, 411-431, 2019. (Link)
[J11] Nonlinear control of high duty counter-current heat exchangers using reduced order model
Seongmin Heo*
Applied Thermal Engineering 157, 113720, 2019. (Link)
[J10] Improved microalgae production by using a heat supplied open raceway pond
Kyung Hwan Ryu, Ju Yeong Lee, Seongmin Heo and Jay H. Lee*
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58, 9099-9108, 2019. (Link)
[J09] Parallel neural networks for improved nonlinear principal component analysis
Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 127, 1-10, 2019. (Link)
[J08] Design and evaluation of sustainable lactide production process with an one-step gas phase synthesis route
Seongmin Heo, Hyun Woo Park, Jay H. Lee, Yong Keun Chang*
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7, 6178-6184, 2019. (Link)
[J07] Techno-economic analysis of microalgae-based lipid production: considering influences of microalgal species
Seongwhan Kang, Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 58, 944-955, 2019. (Link)
[J06] A mathematical model of intracellular behavior of microalgae for predicting growth and intracellular components syntheses under nutrient-replete and -deplete conditions
Kyung Hwan Ryu, Min-Gyu Sung, Boeun kim, Seongmin Heo, Yong Keun Chang, Jay H. Lee*
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 115, 2441-2455, 2018. (Link) * Selected as the front cover article
[J05] Time scale decomposition in complex reaction systems: a graph theoretic analysis
Udit Gupta, Seongmin Heo, Aditya Bhan*, Prodromos Daoutidis*
Computers & Chemical Engineering 95, 170-181, 2016. (Link)
[J04] Control-relevant decomposition of process networks via optimization-based hierarchical clustering
Seongmin Heo, Prodromos Daoutidis*
AIChE Journal 62, 3177-3188, 2016. (Link)
[J03] Graph-theoretic analysis of multitime scale dynamics in complex material integrated plants
Seongmin Heo, Prodromos Daoutidis*
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54, 10322-10333, 2015. (Link)
[J02] Automated control structure design for complex chemical process networks
Seongmin Heo, W. Alex Marvin, Prodromos Daoutidis*
Chemical Engineering Science 136, 76-87, 2015. (Link)
[J01] Graph reduction of complex energy-integrated networks: process systems applications
Seongmin Heo, Srinivas Rangarajan, Prodromos Daoutidis*, Sujit S. Jogwar
AIChE Journal 60, 995-1012, 2014. (Link)
Refereed Conference Proceedings
[P10] Juyeong Jung, Jay H. Lee, Wonsuk Chung, Seongmin Heo*, Superstructure optimization of international hydrogen supply chain with technological options, 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), pp. 811-816, 2024. (Link)
[P09] Boeun Kim, Seongmin Heo, Kyung Hwan Ryu*, Optimal process design of hydrogen production using response surface methodology, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS), pp. 620-625, 2022. (Link)
[P08] Jeehwan S. Lee, Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*, Modeling and sustainability assessment of outdoor chlorella vulgaris cultivation in South Korea for renewable bioplastic feedstock production, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS), pp. 242-247, 2022. (Link)
[P07] Boeun Kim, Kyung Hwan Ryu, Seongmin Heo*, A neural network regularization method to address variance inflation in autoencoders, 13th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS), pp. 744-749, 2022. (Link)
[P06] Seongmin Heo, Jay H. Lee*, Fault detection and classification using artificial neural networks, 10th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), pp. 470-475, 2018. (Link)
[P05] Seongmin Heo, Prodromos Daoutidis*, Input/output hierarchical clustering in process networks based on relative degrees, American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 1363-1368, 2015. (Link)
[P04] Seongmin Heo, Prodromos Daoutidis*, Graph reduction for material integrated process networks with flow segregation, 9th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), pp. 586-591, 2015. (Link)
[P03] Seongmin Heo, Dimitrios Georgis, Prodromos Daoutidis*, Control structure design for complex energy integrated networks using graph-theoretic methods, 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), pp. 477-482, 2013. (Link)
[P02] Seongmin Heo, Sujit S. Jogwar, Srinivas Rangarajan, Prodromos Daoutidis*, Graph reduction for hierarchical control of energy integrated process networks, 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6388-6393, 2012. (Link)
[P01] Seongmin Heo, Sujit S. Jogwar, Prodromos Daoutidis*, Dynamics and control of high duty counter-current heat exchangers, 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), pp. 1034-1039, 2011. (Link)